Angela & Ernest’s Wedding

We met at grade 8 Confirmation. We ended up attending the same high school and although we were not high school sweethearts, we were really good friends. We had the same classes, lunch breaks, and same group of friends.

We did not go to the same grad school however we still remained friends. 6 years ago we went on a trip to New York with a couple of our other friends. A lot of crazy things happened that trip, but long story short, that trip made us realize that we would make a great couple. Soon after that trip, Ernest asked Angela to be his girlfriend.

Since that trip, New York became our favorite city. We went back again in December 2016. On the last day of the trip, Ernest planned to go skating at the Rockefeller skating rink where he asked Angela if she would spend the rest of her life with him.

On May 26, 2018, we married our best friend.

-Angela & Ernest

Here’s there Same Day Edit

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